Saturday, January 23, 2010

Steak with Sauteed Mushrooms and onion

Tonight's dinner was simple steak with sauteed mushrooms and onion. I also whipped up mashed potatoes with turkey bacon and mixed broccoli and carrots as a side dish. I did not make any gravy or sauce because there will be some juice from the steak.. *wink*.. Dinner was sooo yummylicious! We both enjoyed it very much. :)

It has been raining a lot these days here. Last Thursday, was the worst of all. Lotsa rain with loud thunderstorms... and I was all by myself while hubby at work.. :( I was a little scared, afraid if we would be get any tornado or something. That is very scary... Also for the first time, in my life, I saw hail. It was interesting to see small pellets of ice falling from the sky (pic at my front door)..

Hope everyone have a nice weekend. :)

2 tbsp + 1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp Olive oil
1 large sweet onion, sliced
1 box fresh mushrooms, clean and sliced
Salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
2 beef tenderloin steaks (1 1/2-inch thick)
meat tenderizer

Season steaks on both sides with meat tenderizer. Chill for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
In large skillet, heat butter until bubbly. Saute onion, mushrooms, salt, and pepper for 2 minutes. Add balsamic vinegar and continue to saute until mushrooms are tender. Set aside; cover. (There would be plenty, serve it as a side-dish, that's what I did)
Wipe out skillet. Heat butter and olive oil on the skillet over medium high heat. Add steaks to skillet. Sear the steaks, moving them with tongs a little so they don't stick to the bottom, for 5-6 minutes per side. Use a meat thermometer to test for doneness. When the steaks are done to your liking, remove from the pan, cover loosely with aluminum foil and let rest 5 to 10 minutes before serving.

On a serving plate, place the steak and topped with sauteed mushrooms and onions. Enjoy!

Always let your steaks come to room temperature (70°F) before cooking or grilling. If your room's temperature differs from 70°F, adjust your time accordingly. A cold steak will contract when it hits the heat and this wall cause it to toughen.

A guide for the done-ness of your steak :-
  • Very Rare : 130°F, red almost translucent center and cool
  • Rare: 140°F (60°C), center of the steak is very red and cool
  • Medium Rare: 150°F (65°C), center of the steak is red and warm
  • Medium: 160°F (71°C), center of the steak is pink and hot
  • Medium Well: 165°F (74°C), center of the steak is pinkish and hot
  • Well done: 170+°F (77+°C), steak is thoroughly cooked
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